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The Complete Reference - Visual C++

اذهب الى الأسفل

The Complete Reference - Visual C++ Empty The Complete Reference - Visual C++

مُساهمة من طرف المسافر الأربعاء أبريل 23, 2008 2:44 pm

الكتاب رائع جدا اليكم الوصف وروابط التحميل

Publisher :: McGraw-Hill/Osborne
Author(s) :: Chris Pappas, William Murray
ISBN :: 0078825105
Release Date :: 01 August 1998
With its patient and effective presentation of C++ language fundamentals, Visual C++ 6: The Complete Reference is one of the best titles for programmers who are moving from C to C++ and Windows — “Rich Dragan”
This book opens with a tour of how to use the sixth version of Microsoft’s compiler. The author surveys the compiler’s features and tools (including a reference to every available menu option) and discusses the basics of installing it and getting it up and running.
Next the authors introduce the basics of the C and C++ programming languages. They present dozens of short, effective sample programs (for the command line) for many basic programming topics, such as using variables, classes, file, and console input/output (I/O). Wherever possible, the authors compare C and C++. Several chapters (such as the one on using macros and conditional compilation) provide invaluable material on “gotchas” that await would-be C++ programmers.
After laying down introductory material on using C with Windows, the authors move toward Microsoft Foundation Classes (MFC). They show basic programming techniques, including how to use newly enhanced tools, such as AppWizard and ClassWizard, in Visual C++ 6. Following are some simple MFC samples and some useful material on building custom ActiveX controls and even Active Template Library (ATL) controls (which are easier to build with Visual C++ 6).

عضو ذهبي
عضو ذهبي

عدد الرسائل : 174
الجامعه : ال البيت
التخصص : التخصص
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  : The Complete Reference - Visual C++ 15781611
تاريخ التسجيل : 28/11/2007

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